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"...after you talked with Lucinda about a person, it was hard not to feel superior to them. She would dissect them as a sort of pathetic case."

This struck quite a chord with me.

I sometimes think it's better if you don't know people.


This weblog is being featured on Five Star Friday!


Oh shit. I mean, that's great! It's just that I realized I should probably edit my posts in case people read them.


It took Ebert to get me here. That's sad - but also fairly awesome. I am such a disorganized reader, and that should be so in the cases of people like you.

I've lived with that person, by the way. Nothing is ever as it seems. But you know that.


Should NOT be so. Should NOT. It's late.

See? This is why I don't read.

(All the sneezing. I blame the sneezing.)

Writer Vixen

Wow! What's you've got in Lucinda is your basic narcissist. It can be confusing! They are strangely compelling, yet very damaged, and can leave massive damage in their wake.

You got lucky, I think. Wonderful article. I found you through Roger Ebert, as well. ;)

Writer Vixen

P.S. You should put a "Follow Me on Typepad" link on your blog. So we can, you know, follow you on Typepad. ;)


I found this from Mr. Ebert, also. Your writing is excellent - it makes me want more.
I fear I see traits of myself mirrored in Lucinda. I am constantly trying not to be that person.

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